The Foundation

The CONSUL DEMOCRACY Foundation is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to reinforce the quality, neutrality and credibility of citizen participation worldwide in democratic processes embodying the principles of democracy, independence, open source and free software and knowledge, neutrality, transparency, rule of law and inclusion; as well as manage and contribute to the improvement, development and worldwide expansion of the open source free software CONSUL DEMOCRACY.

The Foundation was founded in 2019 and has its official seat in the Netherlands. 

The operational team

Simon Strohmenger

[email protected] 

Jens Kimmel
Network Coordinator

[email protected]

Shamika Mohanan
Tech Coordinator

[email protected]

The board

Josien Pieterse
(jointly authorised)

Constance van Egmond
(jointly authorised)

Joachim Meerkerk
(jointly authorised)

The advisory board

Vignoli, Italo (open source software expert), Hideas Communications

Dobranic, Filip (hacker-filosopher), Danes Je Nov Dan

Izdebski, Krzyszto (lawyer and activist), University of Warsaw

Ghotbi, Sann (organizer-campaigner), Solidarity Rising

Tang, Audrey (Digital Minister of Taiwan), Taiwan government/RadicalXchange 

The CONSUL DEMOCRACY Foundation (Stichting CONSUL DEMOCRACY) is a non-profit organisation, and the board members receive no remuneration. The Management Board may appoint a Director and may charge the latter with the day-to-day management of the Foundation’s business and affairs.