Getting Started with the CONSUL DEMOCRACY platform is easy.
Check out our free demo
Still unfamiliar with the CONSUL DEMOCRACY citizen participation platform? Save yourself an entire installation and check out the demo version.
A programmer and ready to hack?
Go to the CONSUL DEMOCRACY code repository at GitHub.
Documentation system
We have elaborate step-by-step guides available for anyone implementing the software or administering a participation process using the CONSUL DEMOCRACY platform.
Need help?
Our users and tech community meet at Slack. Here you can get free tech support, exchange with users worldwide, and get updated about news and events.
Join the #tech-questions channel for tech support.
Join the #community-space channel for user exchange and community news.
Our Certified Companies
If you don’t have the necessary knowhow at your disposal, don’t worry. We work closely with a number of CONSUL DEMOCRACY Certified Companies that know the code inside out (some of them even developed it themselves back in 2015).
We currently work with:

Get in touch!
Get in touch if you are using or developing the software further, or just checking it out. The CONSUL DEMOCRACY Foundation keeps the user and developer communities alive and kicking. Please drop us a line in the Slack channel or send an e-mail to [email protected] and we’ll give you a warm welcome.