Próximo Community Meet-up: 24 Avril!

Esta vez en nuestro serie de los Community Meet-ups: lecciones del uso de Consul en Eslovenia

The next Consul Democracy Community Meet-up will take place on 24 April. We are happy to announce that for this Meet-up we are working together with our Local Partner organization Danes Je Nov Dan. Consul implementation specialist Maja Cimerman will be with us for a presentation and a Q&A.

Maja and her team at Danes Je Nov Dan have implemented different features of our software in several municipalities, including Medvode, Maribor y Hrpelje-Kozina.  She also guided the government administrators while setting up and learning from the participative processes.

Maja will talk about the use of Consul in these cities from a practical perspective, introduce common challenges and important learnings. After a 20-minute presentation there will be plenty of time for questions.anes Je Nov Dan in Slovenia.

Puedes esperar:

  • Aprender mucho sobre varias ciclos de participación ciudadana en distintas cuidades de Eslovenia
  • Conocer de cerca el uso real de la plataforma Consul Democracy por parte de los administradores locales de Medvode y cómo afrontan los retos.
  • Conocer a líderes de participación ciudadana, desarrolladores y otros usuarios de Consul Democracy de todo el mundo.
  • Disponer de mucho tiempo para hacer preguntas, así que venga preparado 😉.

Si desea asistir, confirme su asistencia a [email protected] para recibir nas información y un enlace a la reunión

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Sobre los Community Meet-ups

These meetups are meant as informal and online get-together where we address questions such as: How does citizen participation that is running on Consul Democracy look like in different parts of the world? What common obstacles are there? How can cities learn from each other when it comes to implementing and running a meaningful participation project that is engaging, reliable and transparent?