Noticias y eventos
Conferencia Consul 2025: Gran Canaria
Today 4 February we meet at 16:00 at the Casas Consistoriales de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Find the location here. The network event and… Leer más →
Open source forks y modificaciones de código abierto del software Consul Democracy
The software ecosystem around the Consul Democracy project is large and wide and emcompasses many software companies, local governments, civic tech non-profits and ngo’s who… Leer más →
We are hiring: Tech Coordinator
🌍 Join Our Mission to Revolutionize Digital Democracy! 🚀Are you passionate about open-source technology, civic engagement, and creating impactful change? The Consul Democracy Foundation is… Leer más →
Autumn Newsletter 🍃
Here is our Autumn Newsletter also on the website, so that it doesn’t get lost in the archives and inboxes 🙂 . Sent on 27-11-2014. Leer más →
Version release 2.2.1.
Here’s release 2.2.1. of the Consul Democracy open source software. This is a maintenance release with: Check the Changelog to see all the changes. Updating… Leer más →
Throwback OIDP conference Valongo, Portugal
Processing all the connections, new insights and new friends that we made last week at the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy annual conference in Valongo,… Leer más →
Video recording of 7 October Meet-up: German Cities and Youth Participation
If you haven’t been able to be there, here is the recording of yesterday’s Meet-up. We had two speaker: Emelie Abt from the city of… Leer más →
Próxima Cónsul Democracia Meet-up: 7 de octubre
This time in our Community Meet-up series: German Cities and Youth Participation. The next Consul Democracy Community Meet-up will take place online on 7 October… Leer más →
Welcoming our first official project Sponsor!
We are extremely happy to announce that the city government of Munich in Germany has become the first official Sponsor of the Consul Democracy project!… Leer más →
Spreading participatory governance in India
Last week our Network Coordinator Jens Kimmel joined the vidcast series Urban Insights, hosted by Jahashree Kurup from New Dehli, India. Jahashree is one of… Leer más →
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